Brand Management 101

블로그상위노출 A strong brand requires a lot of work and commitment. Brand managers must be able to walk the line between marketing best practices and staying true to your brand.


Brand management extends beyond just marketing and is also intertwined with sales, human resources, and even customer service. This makes it a complex process.


The brand management process involves a series of marketing strategies to maintain and improve a company’s reputation, image, and overall value. This includes promoting and selling products, increasing customer loyalty, establishing brand identity, and building brand equity over time. It is similar to traditional marketing, but differs in the fact that marketers mainly focus on reaching and presenting products to potential customers.

Brand management tools, such as a brand guidelines software solution like Wedia, help companies achieve the coveted staples of their brands: awareness, equity, and consistency. By ensuring that all branding is on point, these tools ensure that anyone who contributes to a brand, whether it be through social media or internal documents, is doing so in line with the brand’s vision and values.

For example, if an employee posts a photo to Instagram that contradicts the brand’s style guide, it could damage the trust and credibility of the company as well as lead to confusion amongst consumers. By using a brand guidelines software, this issue can be easily identified and corrected before it becomes a problem.

블로그상위노출 By establishing a strong brand identity, it allows for a higher mindshare of potential consumers, meaning that when they need to purchase a particular product or service, your organization will be the first one they think of. A strong brand will also increase customer loyalty, which can lead to repeat purchases and referrals.


Brand management is a subset of marketing that focuses on achieving and maintaining a healthy brand image and reputation. According to marketing guru, Kotler, brand management includes defining the target audience, creating unique and consistent branding, and monitoring market trends. It also involves understanding customer needs and developing a clear brand message that conveys value and benefits.

Branding, voice, and personality should all align with the company’s overall mission and vision. A brand that resonates with consumers will gain recognition, increase awareness, build brand equity, and create a loyal following. A strong brand will also be able to set premium pricing and remain relevant in the eyes of potential customers.

Using tools like Canva, brand managers can easily create and manage all visual assets for their brands. This makes it easy for marketers, designers, and other team members to create on-brand designs that are consistent with the brand guidelines. This ensures that brand consistency is maintained at every touchpoint.

Brand management is an important way to keep up with and adapt to trends in the marketplace and in consumer behavior. It is crucial to develop and maintain a clear brand identity, a unique tone of voice, and a strong brand personality in order to remain competitive and stay top-of-mind for consumers. When done well, this leads to a stronger and more memorable brand experience.


A solid brand management process ensures the company’s branding is consistent with its values, while keeping in mind market opportunities. The process helps keep the team cohesive by translating the brand purpose into everything from business cards to presentations and social media. It also helps the company build a community and improve brand awareness by leveraging its assets.

Maintaining brand consistency is a never-ending task, and requires not only diligent design standards but internal compliance with brand values at every level of the company. It can be difficult for large companies to ensure that all communications, visuals and messaging are compliant with brand guidelines. Ziflow makes this easier with a centralized brand asset management system that allows for streamlined approval workflows and easy collaboration.

The process aims to establish and reinforce a clear positioning of the product/service in the market, shape consumer perception, generate awareness and create loyalty among consumers. This can be achieved by creating an emotional connection with the audience, making the product/service stand out from the competition and creating a memorable identity.


Brand management is a key part of your business strategy. It helps you understand your position in the market, and it allows you to create a strong, loyal customer base that engages with your marketing.

It can also help you spot potential problems before they turn into crises – and bolster your reputation against any damage caused by external factors. For example, if your company is known for its excellent customer service, you can communicate this through clear branding that makes it easy for customers to find the information they need. Dropbox, for example, has built up a $10B valuation in 10 years by communicating their commitment to exceptional customer support through their website.

Effective branding increases brand recognition and builds loyalty, making your products or services more desirable. However, this is only possible if you’re able to clearly differentiate your product or service from others.

To do this, you need to know how consumers perceive your brand – which is why it’s so important to monitor your brand on a regular basis. You can use various metrics to gauge how your brand is doing, including brand awareness, brand consideration, brand associations and perceived quality. It’s also a good idea to track competitors, so you can see what works for them and avoid any mistakes they might have made.