Improving Your Driving Skills


A driver’s skills can decrease over time, but it is within their control to remain safe and alert behind the wheel. There are many ways to practice and improve your driving skills, including taking refresher courses and practicing in parking lots or residential streets.


Anticipating what other road users may do is crucial when driving, as conditions such as weather or diminishing light can impact everyone’s ability to drive. This is also a good reason to keep your eyes on the road at all times.


As a driver, you must always give your full attention to the road. This includes avoiding distractions like eating, drinking and phone use while driving as well as being aware of other drivers and traffic conditions around you. Being distracted while driving is dangerous and can lead to accidents. When you focus on the road, you can react quickly to potential situations that may occur while you are driving.

This is why it is important to practice your driving skills in a variety of environments. Start with empty parking lots and residential streets that are not busy, then move on to a city street or highway. Finally, work on driving in a car while turning and changing lanes as well as backing up. This last skill can help you become more efficient at judging distances and avoiding the risk of accidentally hitting a wall or other vehicle while pulling away from a curb.

You can also improve your driving skills by taking different courses and getting certifications. These courses can be found online and in-person and they will make hiring managers know that you are committed to improving your driving abilities. These courses can also be helpful in gaining a better understanding of regulations regarding driving and safety while on the road. This is especially important for new drivers who are trying to get a feel for the roads and the various conditions that they will encounter while on the job.

Visual Attention

It’s possible that there are some things you hold onto even though you know they’re not good for you – junk food, a binging habit on T.V, a bad relationship. But driving distractions should not be one of them. Around 80% of collisions and 65% of close calls happen because of driver inattention.

It is important that drivers are able to scan their road environment and detect unexpected situations such as sudden brakes from other drivers. This requires visual attention, which involves 서울운전연수 selecting sensory information for preferential processing and reducing detection error (e.g., glancing away from the road to check the rearview mirror). It is also important that drivers are able to adjust their driving speed in response to changes in traffic conditions.

In a study of 90 elderly drivers, the functional ability that most closely predicts on-road driving performance is visual attention, with all reaction time measures and two detection error scores correlating significantly. Other abilities that made independent contributions to prediction were contrast sensitivity and visuospatial memory.

Driving is a skill and it can be improved just like any other one. It takes practice, but it is well worth the effort. The benefits of better driving skills include fewer accidents and injuries, less gas money, and less stress. It’s important to limit distracting activities while driving, including eating, adjusting the radio, and chatting on the phone.


The ability to see and perceive hazards on the road is critical for safe driving. This involves using a number of senses, not just vision. You also need to hear (for example approaching sirens), smell and feel the road surface, for instance if it’s slippery or uneven.

For a new driver, it’s important to practice this skill and ensure they’re aware of how to carry out observations. During your lessons encourage your teen to look up to a block ahead, to glance frequently in their inside and outside mirrors and to check over their shoulder when changing lanes or turning. This will help them build their skills and make sure they can spot any vehicles that may have pulled out or turned in front of them.

When you’re out on the roads with your teen, take them on commentary drives and have them describe what they’re seeing. This is a great way to get them thinking about the importance of observation and can be very helpful when preparing for their practical test.

You’ll be expected to demonstrate a variety of driving skills during your test, including the ability to turn right and left; park on both single and double-storey driveways; negotiate roundabouts; drive at speed limits, in school zones and on motorways. It’s a good idea to spend time practising each of these skills on familiar routes with different traffic levels, weather conditions and times of day.

Attention to Detail

When you’re behind the wheel, it’s important to have the ability to pay attention to the details of your driving. This is what keeps you safe and makes it possible to drive safely in many different environments. It’s also the skill that allows you to adjust to changing road conditions and avoid accidents or traffic mishaps.

For example, you may need to adjust your mirrors, change the radio station or slow down to match the speed of a vehicle in front of you. Or, you may need to practice a new driving technique, like using the heel-toe downshifting method in your car.

This ability to pay close attention to detail can also benefit you in your career. It’s a critical skill for most professions, from administrative assistants to accountants and anyone who works with words or numbers. One small mistake can cost a lot of money, so being thorough and accurate is important.

If you want to showcase your attention-to-detail skills on a resume or during an interview, think about the times when it made a difference in a project or job performance. For instance, if you are applying for a position that requires detailed writing or proofreading, show how your diligent work on an assignment made the process and end result better. Similarly, if you’re applying for a position that requires numeric analysis or spreadsheets, mention examples of how your detail-oriented work improved a project.