What is Performance?

방문운전연수 Performance is how well something works or achieves a goal. You can praise an actor’s performance in a movie or laud a surgeon’s impressive performance during surgery.


Performance management helps employees improve their own performance and ultimately, the company’s. Managing employee performance is essential for businesses to grow and flourish.


Performance is a term that refers to various actions and activities. It is a word that can be used to describe anything from a concert to an academic class. It also can be used to describe a device or machine. The quality of a machine is often measured by its performance. A good example of this is the braking ability of a vehicle.

The most common sense of the word performance is related to the arts. Actors, musicians and dancers give performances that people enjoy. The quality of an actor’s performance in a movie is often rated by critics. However, the word can be applied to other things as well. A person’s performance in a job can be evaluated. The effectiveness of a company’s marketing can be assessed by its performance.

Generally, the term performance means an action that occurs for the benefit of another person. In the case of a concert or play, it is the audience that benefits from the performers’ efforts. People may applaud at the end of a performance. In some cases they will take photographs or get up close to the performers.

In the business context, 방문운전연수 performance usually means achieving objectives set by management. Increasingly companies are moving away from an annual performance management process and instead using continuous feedback and communication between managers and their employees. This type of performance management is concerned with encouraging productive discretionary behavior, rather than simply focusing on the achievement of targets as would happen in a traditional management-by-objectives scheme.


The main sense of performance involves artsy stuff: actors and musicians give performances, and people talk about the performance of movies or plays. But the word also has other meanings: if someone fails a math test, we might say their “performance” on it was subpar. Likewise, athletes get in trouble for taking performance-enhancing drugs.

Examples of a performance are theater, ballet, and choral music concerts. These are generally rehearsed and staged for an audience, with the performers often dressed in costumes and acting out a script.

John Cage’s Performance (in an Unaccustomed Space) is another example, where the artist fills a room with electrical devices and lets them randomly move around. Kazuo Shiraga’s Challenging Mud is another art-performance. This is where the artist rolls and moves in mud to make art.


The purpose of performance is to measure an employees work, skills, productivity or results against a predetermined standard. This can be done for a variety of reasons such as: compensation, employee development, recognition, or other administrative decisions. It is also used to evaluate an individuals job satisfaction and retention. Performance management systems provide useful information that helps organizations to make these types of administrative decisions in a fair and objective manner. They also help to prevent bribery and nepotism by sending a clear message that all decisions should be based on merit alone.

One of the main purposes of performance is to motivate employees and help them achieve their goals and potential. By setting and discussing their goals with managers, employees can identify aspects of their job they take most personally, and can also create plans to improve their performance in those areas.

A good performance management tool should be able to facilitate these conversations and set clear goals that are aligned with company objectives. It should also allow for the collection of feedback from multiple sources, including managers and other employees, to enable a more objective evaluation. Additionally, it should be able to track project progress and notify employees/managers of deadlines or other milestones. Finally, it should offer a communication feature that allows employees and managers to easily connect with each other at any time.


The significance of something varies from one context to another. A certain date might have significance because it’s your birthday or anniversary, while a perfect score on a test can have significance when others know you’ve always struggled with math. Significance is important because it conveys the impact that something has in a particular context.

In business, performance metrics provide objective insights into a company’s progress towards its goals. Regularly tracking, analyzing, and adjusting based on those metrics can help companies avoid falling behind and make better decisions in the future.

It’s important to keep in mind that the concept of performance goes far beyond the performing arts. In fact, people perform all the time. For example, someone may choose to watch the ants crawling on the ground, or listen to the sounds of the traffic passing by a window, or even smell the odors of wildflowers on a mountain.

The words “performance” and “performativity” have become common in academic discourse, especially in performance studies departments and related fields. The terms have also moved into popular culture, where philosophers and artists such as Allan Kaprow, John Cage and Judith Butler have written about the notion. These scholars have argued that performance is a fundamental element of human culture, and that performances are a critical way to express it.